Anti-Spam Policy

Don’t be a Bad Panda! Send meaningful, relevant messages to your opted-in contacts.

NewPanda has a no tolerance spam policy. Your account will be immediately terminated if you send spam. Spam is defined as unsolicited mass email or SMS text messaging to persons with whom you do not have a business relationship or have not requested (opted-in to) your mailing list.

For Email Recipients, ISPs, Blacklist Admins and Mobile Carriers

User accounts will be terminated if they send unsolicited messages. Please report any suspected abuse to [email protected]. ISPs and Blacklists administrators may also contact us at [email protected]. Please forward the complete email or SMS in question, including headers.  If applicable, please also unsubscribe from emails using the link at the bottom of the email if you no longer wish to receive emails from the sender. If you wish to stop SMS delivery, please reply to the message with the word STOP. We will take the appropriate action against the sender of the messages in question.

ISP and Blacklist Admin Relations

NewPanda has built relationships with many of the leading ISPs and blacklist administrators. These relationships usually involve the sharing of information regarding policies, practices and issues. If you are an ISP, mail administrator, blacklist owner or mobile carrier and would like to get in touch with us, please email [email protected].

For NewPanda Users

All users of our NewPanda software must agree to only sending permission-based messages as part of agreeing to the Terms of Use upon signup. This means that all recipients sent to must have opted-in to receive communications from the sending organization.

An opt-in can occur either via a sign-up form on a web site, at a point-of-sale sign-up form, or on a physical sign-up sheet. Any opt-in form should include a clear description of what will be sent and how often it will be sent. Purchased lists may not be used within the NewPanda system, regardless of the source or permission status.

As a user of NewPanda, you may not:

  • harvest emails from web sites

  • purchase lists (whether they are opt-in or not)

  • send unrelated offers or unrelated content to your list

  • add an email address into a list without the subscriber's permission

  • email someone who has requested to be removed from your list

  • utilize a list older than 6 months without reconfirming the recipients' subscriptions

You may:

  • send out regular messages to recipients who have opted-in to receive them

  • send out information and content to recipients who have requested to receive content on that topic from your organization

Policy Enforcement

NewPanda has a no tolerance spam policy. The strict measures we take to enforce our policy include, but are not limited to:

  • We review and monitor large list imports. This includes a review of the list source, list age, collection methods, and confirmation practices.

  • We regularly review messages sent through our system to confirm approved content.

  • A record is saved of every email that is sent through the system.

  • Any customer found to be using NewPanda for spam will be immediately deactivated from further use of the product.

  • Every email, whether text or HTML, contains a mandatory unsubscribe/opt-out link at the bottom of the message. This unsubscribe link cannot be removed.

Procedure for Handling Complaints

We have a no tolerance spam policy. Your account will be immediately terminated if you send spam. Spam is defined as unsolicited mass email or SMS messages to persons with whom you do not have a business relationship or have not requested (opted-in to) your mailing. NewPanda is intended for businesses and organizations who have an established list of permission-based opt-in contacts. We provide our product only to those who follow our strict anti-spam policy. Using the system to send out emails or SMS messages to addresses obtained in any way other than a subscriber opting-in to your list may incur a $100 (US) charge per substantiated incident (i.e. per email) in accordance with state and federal regulations.

To determine whether you have sent spam we will:

  • review the content of the message in question

  • review your subscriber list for patterns common to harvested lists

  • review the spam complaint

  • view the records to see when the subscriber was subscribed and their IP address

For more information, please contact NewPanda’s Help Team at [email protected]