Whether you're a bonafide ghost hunter or a serious skeptic, it's fun to let yourself get spooked by a real-life haunting story. A mystery redditor (with a since-deleted account) asked: "Redditors who have lived in a 'haunted' house, what are your most unexplainable paranormal experiences?" The tales came pouring in! Strap in - and be sure to keep the lights on. THE MYSTERY MAID My uncle's house out on a very eastern part of New York was said to be haunted because the family that used to own it in the 1800s decided not to give it to the stableman and sold it instead. He and the maid were said to have haunted the place. We always used to joke that you would hear people or things moving at night, but since the house is so old, we used to just laugh it off. My uncle's friend and her sister stayed over one night, and the friend noticed a maid bringing towels down the stairs when she woke. She saw the maid again, bringing what looked like a percolator, down the stairs. She was so impressed by my uncle hiring staff (he is a neurologist in NYC, so he had a habit of spending a little bit extra). She went back to bed and woke up and later came downstairs to see my uncle and his friend just chatting. She asked where the maid went, and thought that the maid was cooking breakfast. My uncle had no idea what she was talking about and asked what she looked like. The sister explained and he laughed. Walked her to the living room and pointed to an old picture. She said that was the woman. My uncle replied, "Yeah, she has been dead for about 100 years. —u/Twigsnapper THE HELPFUL GHOST My grandparents have a helpful ghost. Their house was built in the 1860s, and they've lived in it since the late 1960s. Over the years, various family members have heard the vacuum cleaner turn on on its own and clothes and towels that were dropped on the floor before bed have been folded and placed at the foot of the bed by morning. In an intense burst of procrastination one day, I looked up every mention of their address in their town's online newspaper archives and found out that the family that built the house had a daughter who grew up there, never married, and took care of her widowed father until she later died of old age. So I figure the helpful ghost is just the daughter continuing to take care of people like she did for her entire life. —u/startingoveragainst SPOOKY SOUNDS We had ghosts in an old house that I lived in as a child. While being home alone, I could hear sweeping downstairs. Also, the tinkling of china and crystal from the dining room; it sounded like a party was happening and you could hear a Victrola. I walked downstairs and it all stopped. —u/ctdiabla THE SLAMMING DOOR I lived in an old, haunted house in college. Things got so weird that everyone moved out except for me and one roommate. I woke up at 3 a.m. because my roommate's door kept opening and slamming shut. From bed, I yelled for him to stop only to realize I was the only one home that weekend. As soon as I yelled the slamming stopped, but the hippie beads I had hanging outside my closed door began to sway perfectly, yet violently, against the door frame for a half hour, while I debated if I should pop out my air-conditioning unit and jump out of the window. I laid in the fetal position in bed till it stopped. —u/muchyz THE CHAINSMOKERS I had a one-bedroom apartment once, and as soon as it got dark enough outside, this old dude would walk from the bedroom to the bathroom all night. I would have to warn people the first time they came over: "You are gonna see a ghost." Mid-conversation, people would stop talking and be like, "I just saw a ghost!" Yeah, I warned you. One time, I was in the bathroom when he attempted to walk in and just dissolved into a mist that dissipated very quickly. My current house I share with my wife is a three-bedroom and we sleep on a futon in the living room because the ghosts in this house were chainsmokers in the main bedroom. We wake up every night between 3 and 3:30 a.m. if we sleep on the second floor, coughing our lungs out because the room is full of cigarette smoke. —u/Beware_of_Horses THE SCARDY CAT I watched one of our cats being pulled backward about 5 feet by her tail. She was walking through the dining area and suddenly was sliding backward, as if someone was pulling her by her tail. Only there wasn't anyone. She freaked out and tried to run, but couldn't immediately as something held on for a brief second before letting her go. I tend to think that was the handy work of a 4- or 5-year-old girl ghost who hangs out, and she just wanted to play with the kitty. —u/MTSwagger THE DOUBLE DAD When I was younger, my parents would frequently go run errands in the neighboring city and be gone most of the day from morning to night. Our living room was in a spot where you would have to walk through it to get from the back door to reach either the front door or my parents' room. You would walk between the couch and the TV while doing so. So I was home alone, and my dad came through the back door, walked in front of me as he crossed the room, and entered his and my mom's room. Then he came back out, walked across my field of vision once again, and left through the back door. He didn't look at me, look at the TV, or really do anything besides walk across the room in both directions. When I asked him what he came home for or if he forgot something, he honestly had no clue what I was talking about. They were an hour and a half away and coming home for something they forgot would not have made much sense. He was also wearing different clothes when I spoke with him compared to when I 'saw' him earlier. Such a strange experience, and I only saw it that one time. —u/TheCaptainhat THE SHADOWY FIGURE When I was around 9–10 years old, I remember waking up to see a large shadow standing at the foot of my bed. I was living with my dad at the time; he has a very large (five-floor) terrace house built in the 1800s. Every so often there would be an unexplainable event happen, such as footsteps when there’s no one there or voices. On the night this happened, it was just my dad and I in the house; my sister was staying with my mum at the time. I woke up and noticed the door to my room was wide open; I normally sleep with it closed. I then became aware of a large (around 7-feet tall) shadow-like figure watching me from the end of the bed. When the figure noticed me looking, it seemed to ‘melt’ into the floor, and the door to my room slammed shut. Understandably I was slightly traumatized by the whole experience. Asked my dad the next day if he was in my room, and he denied any knowledge of the event (he’s not the type of person who likes jokes). —u/Denholme2 THE DEAD FATHER-IN-LAW My father-in-law died before my son was born, so he never met him. When we moved into our new home, my son would often be laughing in the middle of the night by himself. No biggie — kids will play with anything. One day, we were finally putting pictures up in the house, and once I put up the picture of my father-in-law, he said, 'Oh Mommy, why do you have a picture of the man that comes and plays with me at night? He had never ever seen a picture of my father-in-law before. - u/ragxdoll Check out the full Reddit thread |